May is National Foster Care Month (NFCM).

The Children’s Bureau, a division of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, hosts the initiative each year to increase national awareness of foster care issues. Each May, we take time to recognize the important role that people from all parts of child welfare play in supporting children, youth, and families.

Everybody can play a role, including YOU.


Learn more. These inspiring testimonials tell of the healing impact of loving, supportive foster care.

  • Jennifer, who opened her heart and home to three little girls who needed a safe and stable home.
  • Sistina, who spent part of her childhood and youth in foster care and became a foster parent to her younger siblings.
  • Marlowe, a self-taught artist and former prison inmate who became the much-needed brother, father and grandfather to his family.

Find more stories here.

We welcome your calls and emails for more information about supporting foster families and children in Arkansas. Call us at 501-372-5039 or check our staff directory to reach individual team members.

We accept your financial donations and we’ll be glad to suggest other ways of becoming involved. Thank you.